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Sunday, November 1, 2009

100 truths about yourself

Once you've been tagged,you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you.
At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged.
You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. last beverage : orange juice
2. last phone call :carissa stanley
3. last text message :wei-wen
4. last song you listened to : MIss independant-Ne-YO
5. last time you cried : last thursday
6. dated someone twice :yes
7. been cheated on :nope
8. kissed someone & regretted it : Nope
9. lost someone special :Hope
10. been depressed : Yes
11. been drunk and threw up : Nah..
12. lime green
13. black
14. blue
15. Made a new friend : Duh...Loads..
16. Fallen out of love : Yes...
17. Laughed until you cried : Haha Yeah..
18. Met someone who changed you : not really...
19. Found out who your true friends were : Yes, of course
20. Found out someone was talking about you : Of couse..
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list : NO...
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life :Too many 2 count....
24. Do you have any pets :Yup,Two cats....
25. Do you want to change your name : Use too...
26. What did you do for your last birthday : Went out with family..
27. What time did you wake up today : About10:35...
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : in the car coming back from a party...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : a laptop..=)
30. Last time you saw your Mother : 10 min ago...
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : Nothing i like how everythings going...
32. What are you listening to right now : party in the usa-miley cyrus
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom :no...
34. What's getting on your nerves right now : schools gonna end soon...=(
35. Most visited web page : Facebook ...Youtube...Blogs..
36. Where you want to be right now : midvalley with someome special...
37. Nicknames : kim,kimi,jas(my middle name)....
38. Relationship Status : Its complicated
39. Zodiac sign : taurus
41. Elementary : SK Taman Desa
42. Middle school : SMK Taman Desa
43. Hair colour : Brown..
44. Long or short : You could say below Sholder length...
46. Height : Around 157 or 158
47. Do you have a crush on someone : DUH!!!!
48. What do you like about Nope : I dont know how to answer that...
50. Tattoos : mabye my name...MABYE!!!
51. Righty or lefty : Righty
52. First surgery : Never
53. First piercing : When I was about 7..
54. First best friend :Melissa
55. First kiss : Never had one really...
56. First vacation : singapore
57. First crush : Like i would tell you his name...My friends would FREAK OUT IF THEY KNEW!!!
59. Eating : Sushi (Yummy..),jappanese food
60. Drinking : apple juice
61. I'm about to : Have a MASSIVE HEADACHE!!!!
62. Listening to :mama do-pixie lot
63. Waiting for : HEADACHE TO GO AWAY!!!!
64. Want kids? : Don't know...
65. Get married : i GUESS...
66. Career : Singer...Actress...
67. Lips or eyes : Eyes...
68. Hugs or kisses : Hugs!
69. Shorter or taller : Taller than me i would never wanna date someone SHORTER than me!!!lolz
70. Older or Younger : Older of course....
71. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic <3
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : Both...
73. Sensitive or loud : Loud (ok mabye both)
74. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship...
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : Hesitant...
76. Kissed a stranger : Of couse not!!!
77. Drank hard liquor : No!!!
78. Lost glasses/contacts : I don't wear any of them...
79. Sex on first date : Nope.yerr...
80. Broken someone's heart : Yeah, I guessed.
81. Had your own heart broken : Yesh..
82. Been arrested : No!!!
83. Turned someone down : Um..sorry i have to say YES..
84. Cried when someone died : Duh...Who would not...
85. Fallen for a friend? : Yeah..i cant believe that happend WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!
86. Yourself : Sometimes...
87. Miracles : Depends...
88. Love at first sight : Not really..
89. Heaven : 100%
90. Santa Claus : Never seen him..so my answer is NO!!
91. Date : Not exactly..
92. Angels : Um..I guess?
93. Had more than one bf/gf? : Nope...
95. Did you sing today? : I sing EVERYDAY...ITS WHAT I DO...
96. Ever cheated on somebody? : Maybe...
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? : The first day i entered SMK TAMAN DESA change all the mistakes i made!!!
98. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? : Why should I ?
100. Posting this as 100 truths? : Yup..

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